Tuesday, 23 November 2021

5 Simple Ways to Save Money

Construction of a financial future, whether it's your family's future needs or your retirement, and getting the things you want all start from savings. Saving is the most important move to make sure you're financially safe when it counts.

Saving means putting away your money for a rainy day and pretending you never saw it. It doesn't mean getting discounts on your purchases.

Follow these 5 simple ways and you might be surprised at how fast your money grows:

  •    Set Saving Goal

By visualizing what you are saving for is the best way to save money. If you want motivation, create saving targets along with a timeline to make it easier to save. Want to buy a car in three years with a 30 percent down payment? Now you have a target to save each month to achieve your goal.

  •   Pay Yourself First

Set up an auto-debit from your checking account to your saving account each payday. Whether it's 10$ every two weeks or 1000$, don’t cheat yourself out of a healthy long-term saving plan.

  • Try Lowering Your Energy Bill

Switch off lights and appliances when they are not needed. Buy energy-efficient light bulbs. Put on a sweater instead of turning on the heat or use a fan instead of air conditioning.


  •    Keep Track of Your Spending

Tracking enables you to identify bad habits and make arrangements to improve your savings. Some people track their expenses using a budgeting app, while others choose to use a hand-written expenses tracker.


  •     Put a Spending Limit on Your Card

Create a limit to how much you can spend on your debit or credit card. It will help you to stop overspending and encourage you to reassess your regular expenses in advance. All banks offer this service.









Sunday, 21 November 2021

Should Students Have Limited Internet Access

“Should students have limited internet access” is a very tough question to answer, as it depends on what they are doing. The internet provides unlimited resources to the students for learning and studying, but it can lead students into a dangerous situation.

There are many pros and cons of having limited internet access for the students. It is important to think that how this might affect students’ mental health, physical health, social health, and academic performance.


What is meant by Limited Internet Access for Students?

Limited internet access for students is a way of creating a safe environment for them to learn. It is not only limited to schools but also used in many other places like prisons, libraries, and hospitals.

The Benefits of Limited Internet Access

Students are more likely to focus on their work with limited internet access. By limiting the time available for using technology supports students to develop social skills, creativity, and critical thinking skills. The benefits of limited internet access are that the students will be able to concentrate more on their assignments and studies.

The Pros and Cons of Limited Internet Access for Student

 People believe that students should have unlimited internet access because it is an important tool for them to use in their studies. While some people believe that students should have limited internet access so they can focus more on their studies and not be distracted by games, internet searches, and social media.

Pros: Students are usually distracted by the internet from preparing assignments or studying for tests which reduces their grades. When they are regularly online they may not be as focused on what they are supposed to be doing.

Cons: The internet is an important tool for many students whether it is used for research or reading articles and other purposes like watching videos. By limiting this access to the internet can prove to be detrimental to student success.

Tips to Implement Limited Internet Access for Students

  • If there is not a reliable internet connection at home or school, provide your students' alternative places to work.
  • For your students create a schedule that dictates when they can use the internet.
  • Provides offline versions of applications.

Internet is a very useful thing but there are many harms also. To avoid any useless activity, it is better to allow students limited time only. The best place for the students to learn is the school. It can lead to a huge change If we encourage students to search for books rather than the internet for everything.



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